Monday, 5 September 2016

Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Movie Review

Everyone loves the Final Fantasy games, or at least most of us do, but what about the movies? With mixed movie reviews will Kingsglaive fall short or will it be a great movie to enjoy with friends and family? Read this review to find out now.
The Story

No worries, I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum, for around the first 30 minutes I really thought it was going to be the same as the first two movies, that has to build up to the story which is very confusing with only hardcore action near the end, with Kingsglaive this is not the case, yes around 30 minutes is required before the plot starts to make sense.
Nyx the main character in the movie must protect their home and their kingdom Lucis ruled by King Regis yes the father of Noctis, the Kingsglaive is a special military platoon that shares magical power with the king, they must fight against the menacing Empire Niflheim.
Finally, a peace treaty is announced and King Regis has no option to accept, in order for there to be peace, Prince Noctis must marry Princess Lunafreya, with the king excepting the treaty, the Kingsglaive is torn apart by hate and traitors within their own ranks.
Only on the day when the peace treaty must be signed, Nyx discovers the Empires true plans after the princess was kidnapped again, he is tasked to rescue and retrieve her from enemy combat ships.
Back at the kingdom with no Kingsglaive to protect them, they steal the crystal that grants the Kingdom magical walls that no attack can penetrate, the moment the crystal detached its a full on war as the magical barrier starts to fall, with strong almost unkillable soldiers invading them with a commander that can summon all mighty warriors to fight for him.
It is up to Nyx to return and protect the King while at the same time protect Princess Lunafreya, with the crystal out of reach the King grows weaker and weaker.
Due to certain death, this is where the movie gets action packed, in an all out brawl between the forces of Niflheim commander and Nyx, tasked to protect the Princess at all costs to the end.
The final battles last a very long time and it's great, it felt just right, it lasted for as long as it should, it didn't feel stretched out or dragged on and most importantly it wasn't short like most movies seem to do nowadays.
My rating and opinions 
The movie was well paced with a fantastic story, not just that the effects were amazing, though, what did we expect it is a Final fantasy movie after all.
I highly recommend that anyone watches the movie, it contains elements of the games, this includes the summons as well as magic, so Final Fantasy fans are in for a real treat.
They could not have picked a perfect time for the movie, just before Prince Noctis returns to find his father dead, this explains a lot before you buy the game.
If there was anything I would have changed in this movie, well I won't because this movie was done right from start to the end, please leave your thoughts and comments down below, I promise I read all of them.
Movie run time: 115 minutes
Actors: Aaron Paul, Lena Headey, Sean Bean
Director: Takeshi Nozue
Language: English 
Subtitles: French, Portuguese, Malay, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Indonesian, Cantonese, Thai, Spanish, English
Dubbed: French, Portuguese, Thai, Spanish, Japanese
IMDb Rating: 7.3 / 10

1 comment:

  1. This was a really good movie, to me it was anyway, comment here and let other readers here what you think of Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy
